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16. Be
honorable to yourself, if you wish to associate with honorable people—Welsh
This proverb
suggests being honourable to self, in condition to be honoured by other people.
First of all,
I was not uploaded any new proverbs and means for recent days because I was feeling
under the weather for the last two to three days.
Hopefully, now I’m fine and present with a new proverb.
Hopefully, now I’m fine and present with a new proverb.
In this article,
we going to discuss the importance of being honorable or honored by others. Let’s
drive-in with understanding the meaning of honor.
Be honorable to yourself
‘Honor’ means presenting great respect. So, let us see the first part of the proverb is “Be honorable to yourself.” Here it recommends to respect yourself first,
then be cautious about being apricated by people or not as per the reaming part
of the proverb “if you wish to associate with honorable people.”
It is so
true, if you start with yourself then afterwards you can expect the honor from
your surroundings. If you associate people with dishonor and desert them without
any reasonable logic or context; then hoping honor from these people will honorable
to you that might not be the case.
Honor people to be honored by people
You should
admire people around in your life such as family members, colleagues, friends. Despite
having differences of any kind, if you give them respect then in exchange they
honorable to you.
Life is a journey like a roller-costar ride with ups and downs, dangerous turns and swings.
People’s approach to you may vary with time—some odd day, the situation can be
worse but do not be heated and approach anyone with the disrespectful manner
because of the cause done by you; no one but you may feel regretful later.
If you have
not read our previous article on anger here is a link click on it.
The best answer to anger is silence—German proverb
The second
part of the proverb is “if you wish to associate with honorable people” will be
fulfilled as it is a conditional statement if you care yourself then people
will care for your respect too.
Stay tuned
in the journey of proverbs. See you soon!
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Key vocabulary:
Honorable (Adjective)
- Deserving public praise or reward.
Associate (Verb)
- To connect someone or something in your mind with someone or something else.
Heated (Adjective)
- Excited or angry
Honor (Noun)
- Great respect for someone, or the feeling of pride and pleasure
resulting when respect is shown to you.
Admire (Verb)
- To find someone or something attractive and pleasant to look at.
● The man sitting in a car abused the rickshaw puller, in return he also
disrespect him—be honorable to yourself, if you wish to associate with
honorable people.
● The lady always abuses her neighbours. One day the neighbours disrespect her and her family in front of her relatives. One of the relative said “be honorable to yourself if you wish to associate with honorable people.”
● The teacher always dishonoured by the students and make fun of those who got fewer marks. One day students disrespect his teaching methods so be honorable to yourself if you wish to associate with honorable people.
(Credit for sending examples: Swati Tyagi)
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